This is my foyer ... it looks pretty much the same as the day we moved in.
It's boring.
The ceilings are extremely high, which is the only reason I haven't painted it yet.
I'm a 'do it yourselfer' to a fault.
It takes me a long time to accept that I can't 'do it myself'.
Which is why this horrible color hasn't been changed in the 2 years we've been here.
Then there is this monstrosity.
Actually it's not that bad ... it's just brass. Yuck.
I was thinking that a coat of off white spray paint and some pretty shades might do the trick.
We'll see. I haven't shopped around for a new one yet.
I'm also cheap to a fault.
It's an extremely tall space but other wise it isn't huge.
The stairway takes up most of it.
The good news is that we are finally going to have it painted.
I have to pick a color in the next week or so.
Coincidentally ... I am a 'mind changer' to a fault as well.
Just ask Shawn about the many colors of the basement.
On second thought .. don't ask him.
So the pictures below are all things I like.
They all came from - which is a great resource when you are redecorating or need inspiration.
In this I like the color but I also like that huge map.
We have a map like this that we mark our travels on.
It's a great idea to make it more prominent.
I LOVE this color. Problem is ... most of the rest of my house is that color.
Is it a faux pas having an almost monochromatic house?
I also LOVE those frames going up the stairway.
This is the same concept as the empty frames but with mirrors.
You can find these types of frames/mirrors for dirt cheap at thrift stores, flea markets, yard sales, on craigslist, my sister-in-law's basement ... The hunt is most of the fun!
Now this is hands down the type of thing Shawn will want to do.
The color, the photographs, the dark accents... nice huh?
I love it too and we certainly have enough great pictures to do it.
I just worry about getting tired of looking at the same pictures.
Let's be realistic ... I'll never change them out.
I really LOVE that "shelf/chair rail" they created.
It really breaks up the wall space that the high ceiling creates.
Definitely an idea that could help us out.
Problem is we'd have to have a designer come in to help us keep it from looking "homemade".
Read above comment about me being "cheap to a fault" ... apply comment here.
So ... I've got a lot to think about over the next couple of days.
Since, in my opinion, the color is the base for everything else ... it's actually a big decision.
Please feel free to chime in.
I need all the help I can get.