OK, so it's no secret. My son is huge. It should be no surprise that his feet are pretty darn big too. I decided he needed a pair of sandals for the summer. Unfortunately, the only place to purchase those oh so necessary "extra wide" shoes is .... you guessed it - Stride Rite. Better get my wallet ready.
So today we go on our big journey to the mall. I'm thinking I can just waltz in, pick out some sandals and be done with it. The sales lady says "let's measure him ... just to be sure." So, I place his squirmy "little" foot on that metal plate and sure enough ... he is a WHOLE size bigger!!! That would be a 7 extra wide!!! A 7?!?!?!?!? He's 16 months old for crying out loud!!
So, I make her measure again. This just can't be!! Once again, there it is ... 7. I put his tennis shoes back on (they are a 6 XW). I feel for the toe - sure enough .. toes scrunched up. Yep, once again, mother of the year.

There it is ... partially out of necessity, partially out of guilt - we walk out with not one but TWO pair of 7 extra wides. I bet those stride rite sales people saw me coming a mile away.
While we are on the subject of Fin and foot related issues, can I just say that I have been buying Fin a massive amount of socks lately. It seems like I can never find the kid a matching pair. Could the washing machine be eating the lost lonely socks? What gives? Well, I reach down to grab a toy that rolled under Fin's crib. Low and behold I hit the sock mother load. It seems my little man has become quite skilled at hiding his socks. Apparently he takes them off before he falls asleep and drops them against the wall, behind the crib.
Why .. you ask?
Because he is "Fintastic".
Wow! He does have big feet. = ) Those shoes are adorable!