Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Not good Friday .... GREAT Friday. Part 1

OK ... so I know I've already gotten behind with the whole blog thing. That first post just wore me out. I thought it would be easier. Now that I've played with it a bit, I hope to be much better. Anywho .... I'm playing catch up now. Starting with Good Friday. This had to be my favorite day of our 3 day weekend. We loaded up the kiddos and headed to the nature center. Well ... first you have to catch Fin. He seems to think it's hilarious to run in the opposite direction. Little does he know that I fished out Keira's old bunny backpack kid leash thing. I'm NOT afraid to use it either. Well, maybe a little afraid. He's considerably larger than Keira was.

So, after loading up the 5,000 things we seem to need for an outing, and successfully strapping the little man into his car seat ... we arrive at the nature center. This is where Shawn and I got married so we spent some time explaining it all to Keira (who could honestly care less). Then we were off on an adventure.

The nature center has the most amazing daffodil blooms this time of year so that was fun for all of us.

Keira's been into watercolor lately so we brought along some supplies and let her little artistic soul soar. Pretty good for an almost 4 year old ... but then, I'm partial.

Shawn's had this weird "breaking out in hives" thing going on since he got back from New Zealand. It's bizarre. He's pretty much been in a constant benadryl haze. Fin was also in a pre-nap state. He wouldn't really let you put him down - which is fun with a 32 lbs baby in the middle of nature. So, my visions of photographing my beautiful offspring surrounded by scores of daffodils didn't quite materialize. Oh well....

Onward and outward we trudge. In your case, that means continuing to part 2. I can only manage to get 5 pictures to upload per post. That just doesn't quite work for a GREAT Friday.

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